Experience the Therapeutic Benefits of Pet Acupuncture at Middletown Animal Hospital

Pet Acupuncture is a Holistic Approach to Veterinary Care

Acupuncture is an ancient practice used for centuries to promote healing and balance in both humans and animals. At Middletown Animal Hospital, we offer pet acupuncture as a safe and effective treatment option for various health conditions. With its numerous benefits and non-invasive nature, acupuncture can often make an impressive difference in your pet’s well-being.

How Pet Acupuncture Works

Pet acupuncture is an alternative medical practice with a series of fine needles being inserted at specific points in the animal’s body where blood vessels and nerves convene. Endorphins, which are the body’s natural painkillers, are released, helping to relieve acute and chronic pain and discomfort.

The technique also stimulates the release of another chemical called serotonin, which can positively impact happiness, mood, and anxiety levels.

For most dogs, this is virtually painless and not noticeable. Often, they’ll become very relaxed and even fall asleep.

Discover the Benefits of Pet Acupuncture

Pet acupuncture is a gentle and pain-free procedure that is well-tolerated by most animals. Our experienced veterinarians are trained in this holistic therapy and can create a personalized treatment plan tailored to your pet’s needs.

If you’re seeking a natural and effective approach to address your pet’s health concerns, consider exploring the benefits of pet acupuncture at Middletown Animal Hospital, including:

Schedule a Pet Acupuncture Session

at Middletown Animal Hospital Today!

Our skilled veterinarians are trained in the art of acupuncture and can provide gentle, pain-free treatments to promote your pet’s well-being. Schedule an appointment at Middletown Animal Hospital today, and let us help restore balance and improve your pet’s quality of life with the ancient art of acupuncture.


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If your pet is experiencing a medical emergency, we understand the urgency and encourage you to seek immediate care. For after-hours emergencies, we recommend contacting the following veterinary clinics:

Cincinnati MedVet

Dayton MedVet